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Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

The world is seriously off track in its effort to halve per-capita food waste and losses by 2030.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on consumption and production patterns, with disruptions to global supply chains and changes in consumer behaviour. Responsible consumption and production must be an integral part of the recovery from the pandemic. But the global economy also needs to speed up the decoupling of economic growth from resource use by maximising the socio-economic benefits of resources while minimising their negative impacts.

Reporting on corporate sustainability has tripled since the beginning of the SDG period, but the private sector will need to significantly improve reporting on activities that contribute to the SDGs. To deliver SDG12, it is crucial to implement policies that support the shift to sustainable practices and decouple economic growth from resource use.

Our Work in This Area

Agilico Zero - Refurbished Devices

Our nationwide purpose built MFD refurbishment centres are doing great work in the circular economy. At these sites, our qualified teams of expert engineers refurbish and give a new lease of life to ex-showroom or low-utilisation devices, resulting in lower cost yet incredibly reliable machines ready to perform at the highest level once again.

Biodegradable Shrink Wrap

Agilico had previously used circa 165 miles of shrink wrap every year. Most of this ends up as non-recyclable waste and it takes 40-50 years to decompose. We have partnered with a leading manufacturer of bio-plastics to implement a new high strength film, that degrades in 2-3 years. In addition, it’s Oxo-Biodegradable, which means that when exposed to light, air or water, it degrades into food for microorganisms, helping to reduce the world-wide issue of plastic waste.

Coffee Pod Recycling

We have partnered with Podback to implement a comprehensive recycling program for used coffee pods. This initiative allows our offices and employees to easily recycle their coffee pods, reducing waste and contributing to a more environmentally friendly workplace. Through this collaboration, Agilico is reinforcing its commitment to responsible environmental practices and supporting the broader goal of creating a circular economy.

Environmental Impact Award Win

Every year we prevent 1000s of printer toner bottles and device component parts from reaching landfills by reusing them for their original purposes. Demonstrating our long-standing commitment to improving our environmental impact through our MFD refurbishment and recycling centres, we were delighted to win the Best Environmental Impact Award category at the Midlothian & East Lothian Business Awards 2024.

More To Come

Our internal SDG hub is currently receiving ideas from colleagues across our business on the next steps we can take to achieve this goal.

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