Solution Benefits

  • Agilico Zero Refurbished Devices
  • Avoided 8,500 kg of CO2 emissions (CO2e)
  • Increased efficiency and energy reduction
  • Reduced paper consumption by 33%
  • Reduced colour printing by 70%
  • Significant cost savings

About Bonallack & Bishop

Bonallack & Bishop is a well-regarded law firm in the South of England, with offices in Salisbury, Andover, Fordingbridge and Amesbury. Known for its client-centered approach, the firm offers a wide range of legal services for both individuals and businesses. Key areas of expertise include family law, commercial law, property law, employment law, wills and probate, personal injury, and litigation.

Embracing modern legal technology, Bonallack & Bishop ensures efficient and effective service delivery. The firm’s lawyers are highly qualified and recognised experts in their fields, contributing to its strong reputation for professionalism and excellence.

Customer Profile

  • Law firm
  • Based in the South of England
  • 4 Offices


As part of their commitment to corporate social responsibility, Bonallack & Bishop are continually exploring ways to reduce their environmental footprint, including their paper usage and printing practices.

For their print needs they identified four key challenges for us to assess to move to more sustainable printing.

  • High Volume Printing: The firm deals with extensive documentation, leading to high volumes of printing.
  • Confidentiality Concerns: Legal documents often contain sensitive information, requiring secure handling and disposal processes.
  • Cost Considerations: Any changes to printing practices must be economically viable for the firm.
  • Standardise their fleet: The present fleet encompassed several different models of printers leading to day-to-day inefficiencies and extra training requirements.

How we helped

We started with an in-depth print audit throughout Bonallack & Bishop’s business.

Our print audits are a comprehensive assessment of an organisation’s printing environment, aimed at analysing printing habits, costs, and efficiency. It involves gathering data on print volumes, device usage, energy efficiency, and expenses. We also engaged with the firm’s staff to understand their printing needs and requirements.

The audit identifies opportunities for optimisation, such as reducing waste, improving security, and streamlining workflows. Ultimately these audits help businesses make informed decisions to enhance productivity and reduce printing expenses and environmental impact.

Following our audit for Bonallack & Bishop, and in line with their cost and environmental targets, we proposed a fleet of Agilico Zero refurbished MFDs using PaperCut print management software.

I was really sceptical about the idea of losing my individual printer and couldn't see how having a central printer would be an improvement. I would have to get up to go to the printer and other people might be there and just felt it was a step backwards... I was wrong.

The quality is better than my desktop printer. It's so much easier and more convenient. I like everything about it, from not having to maintain my own printer to the fact that I can send multiple documents to print but only have to make one trip to the printer.

I also like the fact that I can delete if I have duplicated printing.

Better quality, more time efficient and stress-free.

Court of Protection Paralegal, Bonallack & Bishop

Agilico Zero Refurbished MFD’s

We installed a fleet of Agilico Zero refurbished multifunction devices (MFDs) across the firm’s offices. With an intuitive touchscreen, personalised workflows, and seamless integration with cloud services, these MFDs enhance productivity. Robust security features protect sensitive information, while Intelligent Recovery keeps the device efficient by detecting user presence and adjusting accordingly.

With Agilico Zero MFDs, Bonallack & Bishop benefit from a cost-efficient, environmentally friendly solution that performs at the highest level, as if it was new, with a comprehensive warranty throughout the contract term for peace of mind.


PaperCut software is ideal for legal firms as it effectively addresses their unique needs. It manages and reduces printing costs through detailed tracking, reporting, and quota management, ensuring efficient use of resources.

Security is paramount in legal environments. PaperCut enhances document security with secure print release and user authentication, reducing the risk of unauthorised access. Compliance with regulations is supported by detailed logs of all printing activities and document watermarking, which are essential for audits and regulatory requirements.

Accurate billing is simplified with client and matter tracking, allowing firms to allocate printing costs to specific clients or cases. This ensures precise billing and integrates seamlessly with existing billing systems.

PaperCut also promotes environmental sustainability by reducing paper waste through duplex printing and print job previews. It encourages eco-friendly practices, contributing to a smaller environmental footprint.

The software is user-friendly and integrates well with existing IT infrastructure, while being fully compatible with the chosen Agilico Zero MFDs. Its intuitive interface ensures easy adoption by both administrators and end-users.

Policy Development and Employee Engagement

Establishing clear policies on sustainable print practices, such as promoting double-sided printing and digital alternatives, was crucial. Regular monitoring of printing metrics and soliciting feedback from employees ensured alignment with sustainability goals.


By embracing Agilico Zero MFDs, PaperCut print management and sustainable print practices Bonallack & Bishop not only reduced its environmental impact but also realised tangible benefits in terms of cost savings and efficiency improvements.

Cost Savings: An Agilico Zero refurbished machine means you’ll save up to 50% on cost, without any loss in performance, and the implementation of sustainable print practices leads to cost savings on paper, and energy bills.

Improved Efficiency: Streamlining printing processes and investing in modern printing technologies has improved workflow efficiency and reduces time spent on print-related tasks.

Positive Reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability has further enhanced the firm’s reputation among clients and stakeholders.

Environmentally friendly. Budget friendly. Rapid installation.

There’s a lot to like with Agilico Zero Refurbished MFDs and Sustainable printing solutions for legal firms.


Environmental Impact: The firm’s carbon footprint associated with printing activities has decreased.

It avoided 8,500 kg of CO2 emissions (CO2e), contributing to its broader sustainability objectives. That’s the equivalent positive impact of planting 423 trees.

Reduction in Paper Usage: By promoting double-sided printing and encouraging digital alternatives, Bonallack & Bishop achieved a significant reduction in paper consumption of 33% overall, with a 70% reduction in colour printing.