A Contingency / Disaster Recovery Bulk Scanning & Digital Mailroom Solution
The Challenge
With home working now more prevalent than ever before, securely and efficiently sharing paper-based documents and incoming mail with remote working teams is a difficulty for countless organisations.
Many have a need to scan paper-based documents and files, including post.
Paper can only be in one place at a time, hindering effective working and collaboration, while increasing risk when compliance and managing one version of the truth remains important.
Simple but effective communication tools are key to making it work.
The Solution
Agilico and Paper River have brought together a rapid response, ready to go mail and bulk scanning solution as part of our wider agile workflow solutions.
It’s a simple to deploy, out of the box answer to the challenge of sharing documents effectively with disparate teams.
ScanPOD delivers fast, effective & secure capture and distribution of paper-based documents – including bulk scan and digital mail.
It acts as a bulk scan and a digital mail service, while being a totally self-contained solution that will give your organisation everything it needs to support communication.
The software is pre-installed on an all-in one touch screen & monitor, that is connected to a production scanner. All the solution needs to be instantly up and running is a secure network connection/VPN service to your network and access to your Active Directory.
How ScanPOD Works
Through a combination of an Active Directory import, your email gateway and a secure file store, the solution quickly facilitates a distribution platform for mail and bulk scan requests. ScanPOD also has the ability to scan to an FTP location.
Working either from home, a disaster recovery site, a satellite office or a central service (such as reprographics), a user simply loads the incoming/routed mail or bulk scan request documents into the automatic feeder of the production scanner and previews the optimised images on the ScanPort.
- Selecting a user or group from the screen (with alphabetic block filtering) they can submit the post securely
- The document will be converted to a read-only PDF file for speed, sent to their network home folder and an email sent to the user or key group members with a link to the document to view remotely
- Folder locations will automatically be created by the scanning process for users if they don’t already exist
Crucially and to support compliance, the system comprehensively audits every document that has been captured, including the date, time and recipient and can automatically name the file accordingly.
ScanPOD & ScanPOD Lite

ScanPOD Lite
Ideal for SMEs.
- Paper River ScanPort and Capture Software
- Canon imageFORMULA Lite Production A3/A4 scanner
- 120 images per minute with 100 sheet document feeder
- Auto-size recognition and auto rotation – ideal for bulk scanning & mixed sized originals
- Blank page removal/auto-colour select/de-skew (all minimise file size)
- Supports an optional flatbed scanner (bound originals) if required
- Delivery and remote set up included
- Remote assist and 12 months software/hardware support

Ideal for mid/large firms.
- Paper River ScanPort and Capture Software
- Canon imageFORMULA Production A3/A4 scanner
- 240 images per minute with 500 sheet document feeder
- Auto-size recognition and auto rotation – ideal for bulk scanning & mixed sized originals
- Blank page removal/auto-colour select/de-skew (all minimise file size)
- Supports an optional flatbed scanner (bound originals) if required
- Delivery and remote set up included
- Remote assist and 12 months software/hardware support

Request more information on ScanPOD
Discover how the friendly Agilico team can support you on your journey towards digital transformation.