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How secure is your human shield?

The under-utilisation of office technology is widespread. Not only does it prevent businesses from achieving the desired return on their investments, it also places information at risk. Technology plays a…
21 November 2019

The State of Digital Transformation

As the benefits of digital transformation in business continue to be realised, budgets and resources being allocated to this area are rocketing. With more and more digital solutions disrupting the…
21 November 2019

One in a Million? The Millennial takeover

While it’s easy to write off a whole generation as a problem to be solved, Millennials are redefining the legal industry; pressing for technological and culture change, Millennials are challenging…
13 November 2019

The changing face of capture

Paper-based processes are fraught with problems. Despite the increasing digitisation of business today, the truth is that the paperless office is far from a reality. Most organisations still rely on…
12 November 2019

Is your office secure enough?

How to make sure your office is a security asset Information is one of an organisation's most valuable assets. With more data flowing within and between organisations, there is an…
12 November 2019