It doesn’t get bigger than the world’s biggest half marathon and Agilico’s team will be running it on behalf of another north east icon – the Alan Shearer Foundation – to raise vital funds.
On September 8, 30 of Agilico’s team will lace up their trainers to participate in the iconic Great North Run to raise money for charity. With our North East HQ in Team Valley, Gateshead, we will have runners from across our nationwide sites.
For many of our runners, this is their first Great North Run. The iconic 13-mile run from Newcastle to South Shields will test many of them. Warren Colby, Managing Director at Agilico, echoed this:
”Running for me isn’t fun, but it’s necessary to raise the funds we want to make an impact for this cause which means so much to us all here at Agilico. And it truly inspired our training efforts!"
Warren ColbyManaging Director, Agilico
“The team is now quite advanced in its target but we need more donations to come in. I would like to thank everyone for their donations so far; it is so appreciated!
The Great North Run is synonymous with charitable causes, raising an estimated £25 million for charity each year.
Jennifer Bartley of The Great Run Company, said:
”Agilico and other organisations that choose to run for charity help ensure important causes get a vital boost. The Great North Run is a celebration of the community spirit of the North East and we’re looking forward to another special day at the 43rd staging of the run on Sunday, 8 September
Jennifer BartleyThe Great North Run Company
The Alan Shearer Foundation
We are proud to have been a supporter of the Alan Shearer Foundation for the past 7 years, and the funds raised by Agilico will go directly to the Alan Shearer Centre.
The Centre offers highly specialist, disability, respite, residential and social provision for people with complex disabilities, and we’re committed to continuing our support for this very worthy charity.

”We are delighted to have the support of the Agilico team. They have been unwavering in their support of the Foundation for a considerable time, and we are incredibly grateful for their efforts. Their fundraising is vital for the Foundation's sustainability, and their commitment to training and participating in the run is equally impressive. We hope they all have a fantastic day.
Alan ShearerThe Alan Shearer Foundation
”Every penny we raise goes directly to the Alan Shearer Centre, a highly-specialist resource for people living with complex disabilities and acute sensory impairments.
“The collaboration between Agilico and the Alan Shearer Foundation embodies the very essence of the values of giving and community, and it promises to be an exciting and uplifting experience for all involved.
Matt BowmakerThe Alan Shearer Foundation
On August 22nd, our runners laced up their trainers for a training session with Alan Shearer himself at the Gateshead International Stadium.
They had the opportunity to speak to Alan Shearer about his life and work with The Alan Shearer Foundation. He also gave Team Agilico training advice and they got in some valuable running time training on the athletics track at Gateshead International Stadium.
Watch Alan Shearer discuss our partnership on Sky Sports
Supporting the SDGs
The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership.
Ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
Our charity work for The Alan Shearer Foundation and the Great North Run enables us to support goals 3 and 10.
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Together we can reduce existing health inequalities and make progress towards universal health coverage.
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
Together we can reduce global inequality and make concerted efforts to address the root causes of wage disparities and access to resources both within- and between-country inequality.