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Invu is now Agilico

Enhance and automate your business processes.

Our Invu software suite is formed of Electronic Document Management (eDM), Accounts Payable (AP) and Purchasing solutions for a range of sectors, particularly those which are highly document dependent or where compliance is important for effective operations.


A simple but powerful cloud-based software solution that allows you to automate your invoice processing activities.


A robust, scalable and flexible document management solution that helps you to store and access documents effortlessly.

Accounts Payable

A customisable on-premise automated invoice processing solution, providing you with real-time financial commitments.


A Purchase Order Processing solution that delivers complete visibility and control over your purchasing commitments.


Automated Invoice Processing

Take a highly effective step in your journey from paper-based processes to digital workflow.

Keeping on top of invoice processing is a demanding task for most finance teams and business owners. Without a clearly defined, efficient process for managing supplier payments and outgoings, it’s easy for accounts payable departments to become overloaded and payments to be missed.

We’ll help you scan, categorise and file invoices automatically and make them accessible to your approvers anytime, anywhere.

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Document Management System

Benefit from a robust, scalable and flexible platform for document management.

Managing document storage is often a daunting task. Not only do you need to make sure documents are stored securely, you also need to enable the right users to access them again quickly. Alongside these challenges, business-critical emails arrive at an ever-increasing rate, resulting in crucial data ending up siloed and uncontrolled in individual user inboxes.

We’ll help you store and index almost any type of document, through a single, customisable, compliant and fully text searchable repository of information.

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Purchase Order Processing

Gain complete visibility and control over your purchasing commitments.

Finance professionals know that purchase order commitments have financial consequences. Failing to proactively manage them can adversely affect the profit & loss account, while making it difficult to effectively manage cashflow.

We’ll help you build an easy to use platform that connects directly to your finance system, providing budgeting controls at the point of authorisation, and full visibility of all commitments at the point of order.

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Accounts Payable

On-Premise Accounts Payable

Do you worry about being uncertain about how much you are going to have to pay your suppliers this month?

Accounts Payable software automates invoice processing and provides you with real-time financial commitments. This ensures you always have full visibility of where an invoice is at in the process and when they need to be paid.

We’ll provide certainty over your finances, enabling you to focus on the activities that help you improve profitability and cash flow.

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News & Events

Our latest updates, blogs, customer stories
and whitepapers.


Could Verify Be the Perfect Candidate for Your Accounts Payable Team?

Verify Invoice Processing for iplicit makes accounts payable easy. Click here to learn how it helps you take back control of your invoices.

Unlock Enhanced Efficiency: Invu Document Management Version 6.25 Now Available

Invu Document Management Version 6.25 is Here. Free for InvuCare Customers. We're thrilled to announce that Version 6.25 of Invu Document Management is now available to all customers with an…

The Latest Version of Invu Document Management is Now Available

Version 6.24 of Invu Document Management is now available free of charge to all customers with an active InvuCare agreement. Version 6.24 of Invu Document Management introduces more features for…
Automated Invoice Processing for iplicit
Make Work Easy for 2024 and Beyond with Automated Workflows
Invu Document Management 6.23: Quality Enhancements
Invu Document Management Version 6.22: Bug Fixes and Quality Enhancements
Invu Document Management Version 6.21: Email Director Support for Microsoft 365
Invu Document Management version 6.20: Essential quality enhancements