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Your Communications



From here, there and everywhere.

Making sure your teams and patients stay connected and engaged from any location, is a must-have in a busy healthcare practice.

But if you’re relying on outdated networks and costly, inflexible infrastructure, delivering modern, streamlined, future-proof communications can feel almost impossible.

What if all you needed was an internet connection and a smart, feature rich VoIP telephony system?

Say Goodbye

to expensive, unreliable communications….

Hello Connect.

Connect is our cloud-based VoIP telephony system that makes keeping your teams and patients connected easy.

Connect powers up your communications platform and puts you in total control.

Get Connected.

Connect lets you make and take calls using an internet connection.

But it’s more than just voice calls – you also get call recording, auto attendant, call queuing, hunt groups, conferencing and more.

It’s a game-changer for healthcare communication!

User Friendly.

Connect offers a user-friendly online customer portal with powerful administrative tools, allowing users to quickly and easily customise their phone system from anywhere with just a few clicks.


In the healthcare sector, we know that downtime is not an option.

Our services are hosted in multiple UK data centres and offer unmatched reliability with built-in business continuity.

In the event of maintenance, disruption or a disaster causing the internet of the surgery to go down, calls can be delivered to mobile or diverted to other sites at just a click of a button.This ensures continuous communication with patients, staff, and other healthcare providers.


Connect allows your team to make and receive calls from any location with an internet connection, using smartphones and VoIP enabled desk phones.

If you move office or build additional teams in new locations, you can relocate your hosted VoIP system in no time – plus you can keep all your old numbers.


With Connect, you can add users and features as and when you need them. It only takes a few minutes. As your practice grows, your phone system can grow with it. And you’ll only pay for what you actually need now, not what you think you might need in the future.

Fully Loaded.

Connect comes fully loaded with all the features you’ll need in a busy healthcare practice, including call recording, auto attendant, call queuing, hunt groups, reporting and statistics, and customisable dashboards for real-time updates.

Easily manage busy periods, ensure compliance by keeping patient data safe and secure, and provide patients with the best possible experience and service.


Connect integrates with EMIS (Electronic Medical Information Systems) to take communications to the next level.

This integration allows doctors and staff to easily access patient data during calls. They can retrieve patient records, check appointment schedules, and access other critical information directly from their phone system, improving efficiency and patient care.

Future Proof.

Connect delivers the latest features to you as and when they’re released. Whether it’s enhancing call quality, improving security measures, or integrating new productivity tools, your system is always up-to-date.

No complex upgrades. No down time.


With Connect, we manage all the platform’s hardware and software through our cloud telephony system. Our robust app encryption and security protocols ensure that your communications and patients’ sensitive information are always protected, giving you complete peace of mind.


Agilico provides comprehensive support throughout the transition to a cloud communication system.

From the initial consultation, where we provide information and advice, to guiding you through understanding your requirements, selecting the right solution, and building a strong, long-term relationship, we’re there to support you every step of the way.


With a cloud VoIP telephone system, there’s no need for costly capital expenditure on hardware and infrastructure, or line rental.

Everything is hosted in the cloud. All you need is an internet-connected device and headset (if required) and you’re all set.

Keep Your Practice Connected.

Discover how Connect can power up your communications and make keeping your teams and patients connected easy, supporting you on your journey towards digital transformation.

Find out more and book an in-depth demo with one of our Connect specialists.

Book a Demo


Harness the power of Cloud VoIP telephony

Discover how Connect can support you on your journey towards digital transformation.

Book a Demo